For all the women preparing to become mothers or are at the beginning of parenthood.

How to Raise Your Child Without Fear and Without Paying Attention to All the Uninformed Ideas Around You

The Book That Doesn't Help You to Be Happier, But Helps You to Be More at Peace

When You Become a Mother, Your World Turns Upside Down

Discover the transformative power of motherhood with “Cultivate Your Self-Esteem as a Mother” – a beacon of light in the journey of parenthood, where ancient wisdom meets modern science to empower mothers in nurturing themselves and their children.

In a world where healing is both an art and a science, where prayer, mantras, and herbs intertwine with high-class technology, this book offers a holistic approach to motherhood rooted in the healing philosophy of plants and oriental medicine. Drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of John C Maxwell, we understand that true transformation begins from within.

With a focus on the universal principle that the inside creates the outside, we embark on a journey to explore the depths of motherhood, with the mother as the central piece in this intricate puzzle of life. From the vulnerability of childbirth to the complexities of parenting, this book provides insights and tools to navigate the challenges with grace and resilience.

Through integrative medicine and psychology, we delve into the multifaceted aspects of motherhood, including self-acceptance, embracing the unknown, self-confidence, and attachment. With practical advice and solutions, we empower mothers to navigate the journey of parenthood with confidence and love.

This book is a lifeline for mothers in need, offering support and guidance through every stage of motherhood – from postpartum care to managing challenging situations and emotional crises. With compassion and empathy, we stand by your side, offering comfort, support, and reassurance to help you and your child thrive.

Join us on this transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we will cultivate your self-esteem as a mother and embrace the beauty and challenges of parenthood with grace and strength.

With love and support,
Doina Gheorghe

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Ebook: Cultivă-ți Siguranța De Sine Ca Mamă



150 RON
77 RON


Cum îți păstrezi calmul ca Mamă în Situații de Urgență



175 RON


Meniu special pentru „regim”



175 RON


Protocol Prevenire si Tratare Viroze Respiratorii la Copii



219 RON


Masajul Sinusurilor (cum scapi de muci) Masaj Burtica (Stimularea Nervului Vag pentru digestie și altele)



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Video Masterclass: Ce Sunt Parazitii si Cum Ne Pot Afecta Sanatatea Copiilor Noștri?

Video guide


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Acces în Comunitatea Privată de pe Facebook

Social comunity


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Doina's book

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Frequently Asked Questions

The first year of your baby’s life can be the most challenging, especially if you’re a first-time parent.

This book will help you calm your fears and find quick answers to the challenges you’ll face during this year.

You won’t waste time searching for answers in mom groups or asking friends in the park because you’ll find expert advice from an integrative medicine therapist.

A comprehensive guide offering practical advice and updated information on sleep, nutrition, communication, and much more, tailored especially for children up to one year old. Discover how this book can be your trusted companion on the journey to fearless motherhood and in situations where you’re unsure of what to do.

If you’re pregnant or have already welcomed your baby, then you need this guidebook on your bedside table.

It’s the book that will replace Google and uninformed discussions on mom groups with expert advice from an integrative medicine therapist, and it will restore your peaceful and fearless sleep.

The book contains advice that can be applied throughout your child’s first 7 years, but it’s especially useful if you’re pregnant or have a baby in their first year of life.

In the book, you’ll find information about the influence of the mind on the body, thoughts, words, emotions behind illness, everything about introducing solid foods, menus, vitamin supplementation scheme, immunity, managing emergency situations, what should be in the naturopathic kit, and other topics that will bring you peace of mind and the assurance that YOU ARE THE BEST MOM FOR YOUR CHILD.

My dear, both I and my entire team of specialists in various fields (pediatrics, gastroenterology, DNA analysis, genome analysis, food engineering, etc.) will find a 360-degree solution to any question you have regarding your child.

Find Comprehensive Answers for Parenthood in One Book!

Navigate Parenthood Fearlessly: The Complete Guide for Confident Parents

Discover Trusted Solutions Now! Purchase the book and transform your parenting experience into one filled with more joy and confidence.

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